Leaving The Proverbial Nest

The transition into adulthood brings excitement, freedom and a whole set of baggage stuffed with responsibility, change and uncertainty. In 1997, the United States Bureau of Labor Statistics began a study with nearly 9,000 young adults. As the study progressed, the data revealed that 9.7% of the participants moved out at 17 whereas 33.7 moved…

Tackling Test Anxiety

When there is a lot at stake in situations such as testing-taking to get into college or business, law or med school, stress can mount and impair your ability to focus, concentrate and remember information. This can lead to diminishing test performance, decreased confidence and a feeling of helplessness to overcome it. Like any pressured…

What You Need to Know About Body Image (Part 1 of 2)

Defining Body Image The way you perceive your body and the way you assume others perceive you is the basic definition of body image. It involves your perception, imagination, emotions, and physical sensations of and about our bodies. It is psychological in nature and much more influenced by self-esteem than actual physical attractiveness as judged…

The 4-1-1 on Sexual Intimacy

Valentine’s Day seems to cause us to evaluate our most intimate relationships and our experience with them. When we find these relationships falling short of our hopes, desires and expectations, the richness of life and our well-being is negatively affected. This is true particularly when it applies to our experience with sexual intimacy. Unfortunately, our…

When to Consider a Nutrition Referral for Your Behavioral Health Client

Registered Dietitian Nutritionists (RDN) make great care partners in the behavioral health setting. The credential represents the only nationally trusted and regulated food and nutrition practitioner. Additionally, RDN training includes counseling skills and places a premium on interdisciplinary communication. Medical Nutrition Therapy and the Nutrition Care Process are the framework of the RDN’s diagnostic and…


#metoo movement

The #metoo social movement may be a bit jarring to us moms and dads, as it has forced us to acknowledge the things we rather not. Especially about our own kids. Our children turn into teenagers who turn into adults- and somewhere (anywhere) along the way they can be hurt, and sexual abuse is one…


by Robert Hilliker, LCSW, LCDC At the recent Holiday Party, graciously hosted by the Klaybors, I found myself sitting around the fire in the backyard and thinking “these are the people I get to work alongside, how did I get so lucky?” About that time Mike walked up and said something so simple, yet incredibly…